The convenience store industry has been moving towards speed and efficient technology since its inception. However some parts of the industry have moved faster than others. May & Carter wants our customers to be informed of changes and options for being efficient and safe with all of their technology.
EMV or Chip & Pin technology has been used in parts of the world for over a decade, but in the U.S.A. it has been postponed until recently. Over the past couple of years Visa and MasterCard have been building up to a nationwide rollout of the chip & pin technology for consumer security. The convenience store industry has two big dates to remember for the chip and pin liability shift against fraud. The majority of c-store locations have converted in store technology to accept EMV ready cards. The pump technology is still in the process of being certified and launched accross teh country October 1, 2020 is the deadline for pay at the pump to be EMV ready. Most of teh major oil companies card networks are in the process of shifting the libility of both inside and outside card fraud transactions to the sites, where in the pas some of this burden was taken by the branded oil companies. This has been an expected shift in libilty, oen that being EMV ready will help reduce.
To see the Verifone options for Chip and Pin visit our Verifone POS Overview page.
It is very easy to Contact us. Call us at 770-775-3277 or email us using our general Contact Form.
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Jackson, GA 30233
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